On the Mystical Dimension of Music and Performance

Jupiter (knowledge; philosophy; music) inextricably relates to spiritual achievement, Ceremonial Magic and the pursuit of the Esoteric Mysteries, as it transmits heaping, expansive energy and fortifies endless enthusiasm for the Magical Path. Cosmically, Jupiter is so abundant, that is provides spiritual sustenance for everyone seeking it sincerely. When accumulated and funneled into artistic or magical workings, Jupiter’s luxurious influence will fill and feed others. In contrast, Saturn is more selective with how it cultivates and transmits energy. Damien Echols is Jupiter dominant, as reflected in his warming demeanor and eagerness to deliver esoteric knowledge in an accessible, stimulating manner, with absolutely no pretension whatsoever.
In several schools of Tantra, the interplay between the masculine and feminine dimensions of reality is often considered a smoky, seductive dance. This unfurls in the Grand Theatre of ‘Lila’ where the Gods enjoy their lavish play, and the Cosmic Lovers seem to mystify and gently consume each other. Vimalananda also describes this passionate interplay in the context of Music. Shiva is the firm, rhythmic foundation, and Shakti is the fluttering, ornate melody seeping from the instrument. Such nectarous affection leads to the birth of the child Ganesha; he is the “song,” and the fruit of their love. Similarly, the dance with our own interior Serpent, is much like an oracular waltz or perilous tango. When the mind is stirred, heated and lubricated enough to open and receive, our creations seep out instinctually. This is how the divine interplay (creative/sexual force) fuels the Cosmos; the desire to create, and the celestial emanations which endure through these creations, expand perception in receptive listeners.
In many Tantric systems, Dasha Mahavidya Tara corresponds to Jupiter, and her Shakti relates to enhancing oral, writing and musical abilities. In her iconography, Tara is described as physically voluptuous, “pot breasted” as she nourishes all devotees with knowledge, and “full-bellied” because she consumes all the Karmas, and devours your poisons for you (‘enlightenment’ is described as the process of becoming energetically ‘lighter’). Claire Nakti discusses this in ornate detail.
Relatedly, Vimalananda speaks about Celestial Beings called Gandharvas who incarnate to exalt others through Music. Songs tinged with a hypnotic, radiant genius are in fact, immersive, magical vortexes. This is why powerful musicians with “Shamanistic” qualities function almost like Magicians or Priestesses in our modern times, and attending concerts is very ritualistic and purifying. In a spiritual sense, the egregore that forms “on top” of the crowd is like an etheric cauldron stoking heat, rousing the limbs and kindling the imagination. In a material sense, the acts of dancing madly and communing with others obviously gives benefits. We are no longer encumbered by the tight, thinness of the World, but flooded with ribbons of sound (ether) which sublimate the senses toward Divinity.
Works Cited:
Echols, Damien. Angels and Archangels: A Magician's Guide. Sounds True Inc, 2020.
Nakti, Claire. “Claire Nakti: Vedic Astrologer: About: Jyotish.” Clairenakti, www.clairenakti.com/. ♃ Jupiter Dominant Men: Appearance, Sexuality, & Traits | Punarvasu, Vishaka, & Purva Bhadrapada - YouTube
Svoboda, Robert E. Aghora II: Kundalini. Brotherhood of Life Publishing, 1995.
Svoboda, Robert. Aghora: At the Left Hand of God. Brotherhood of Life, 1986.